Transforming pig farming: how AI helps detect respiratory disease in pigs and more

Managing a pig farm and caring for your animals’ well-being is hard work. Imagine a world where your farm thrives, your animals experience enhanced wellbeing, and your profits soar

This isn't a dream but a reality for Dr. Martin Pfützner, a veterinarian and pig farmer who has embraced the power of artificial intelligence. This cutting-edge livestock farming technology based on sound analytics has revolutionized his farming practices, leading to healthier pigs and a flourishing farm economy.

Improving pig farming through AI

Witness firsthand how our digital sound analytic tool revolutionizes animal health management and boosts farm production below.

“In the end, bringing digitalization to the barn is crucial to achieve an integrated health management system. We all have a lot to gain from this sound technology. It’s an excellent management tool,” explains Martin, “It's basically like the remote doctor for coughing who is there 24/7”, he says, laughing. 

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